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What To Do Before Laser Hair Removal


Most people are familiar with the idea of laser hair removal. An intense beam of light targets the hair’s melanin (color pigment) and destroys the hair follicle at the root.

Stadia Med Spa uses the Lutronic Clarity II laser for faster and more effective hair removal treatments. The dual wavelength laser uses state-of-the-art technology to permanently remove unwanted hair. Not only that, but Clarity II can give you the hair removal results you want with fewer appointments and a better return on investment.

You can optimize your results before laser hair removal appointments with a few simple steps. Keep reading for what to do before laser hair removal, starting with your free consultation and ending on the day of your treatment!

Most people are familiar with the idea of laser hair removal. An intense beam of light targets the hair’s melanin (color pigment) and destroys the hair follicle at the root.

Stadia Med Spa uses the Lutronic Clarity II laser for faster and more effective hair removal treatments.

The dual wavelength laser uses state-of-the-art technology to permanently remove unwanted hair. Not only that, but Clarity II can give you the hair removal results you want with fewer appointments and a better return on investment.

You can optimize your results before laser hair removal appointments with a few simple steps. Keep reading for what to do before laser hair removal, starting with your free consultation and ending on the day of your treatment!

How to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal

Stadia Med Spa always recommends starting with a free consultation. While many people are familiar with laser hair removal, you may also have come across some common misconceptions.

For example, some people think that laser hair removal doesn’t work on dark skin tones. But most modern laser hair removal devices (including the Clarity II) have a separate setting for dark skin. The truth is – you don’t know what you don’t know about laser hair removal.

At the free consultation, an experienced Stadia Med Spa provider will go over the laser hair removal treatment, including what you can expect for results. They examine the treatment area and address all of your questions and concerns. If you have specific skincare concerns that aren’t treated during laser hair removal, they may suggest additional treatments to help you achieve your goals.

4 to 6 Weeks Before

Laser hair removal targets the hair at the root. So as soon as possible after you schedule your treatment, you should stop plucking, epilating, waxing, and using chemical depilatories. These hair removal treatments remove hair from the hair follicle and will interfere with the results of your treatment.

You should stop bleaching or coloring the hair four to six weeks before your laser hair removal. The laser uses the hair color to destroy the hair at the root. Any change to the pigment may make it harder for the laser to target the hair follicle. Stop bleaching six weeks before to allow the hair to regrow in its natural color.

Shaving the treatment area is okay, and even encouraged because it leaves the root in place.

2 Weeks Before

The most significant preparation you can make before laser hair removal is to avoid sun exposure and stop any cosmetic tanning sessions.

Because Clarity II targets melanin, any temporary changes to the skin color will dramatically affect your results. Sun exposure before laser hair removal also makes your skin more sensitive to heat. When you apply a laser to tanned or heat-sensitive skin, you may see hyperpigmentation (darker spots on the skin), pain, blisters, and scars.

Most hyperpigmentation after laser hair removal is temporary. But the combination of laser therapy and direct sun exposure can sometimes leave permanent damage.

Use sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher or avoid direct sun exposure for two to four weeks before laser hair removal for the best results.

1 Week Before

Check your oral and topical medications, prescriptions, and herbal supplements. Ideally, you would provide your Stadia Med Spa professional with a complete list of medications during your consultation so they can address any possible contraindications before you schedule

Certain medications can interfere with the laser therapy treatment and results. Inform your provider if you take antibiotics, birth control, acne, and photosensitizing medications. They may adjust your treatment based on your medications or suggest you finish your medication before getting laser hair removal.

Do not stop taking any medications without talking to the prescribing doctor.

24 to 48 Hours Before

In the final days before laser hair removal, you are probably getting excited to see results!

One of the best ways to prepare for laser hair removal is to shave the treatment area 24 to 48 hours before. When you shave before laser hair removal, you make it easier for the laser to target the hair root. You may see less discoloration and better results than if you leave the hair in place!

You should also avoid scrubs, glycolic acid, and retinol creams for 48 hours before treatment.

The Day of your Appointment

The day has finally arrived! Do not apply creams, lotions, deodorant, or makeup to the treatment area. Make sure the treatment area is shaved and clean. Use gentle soap with water to clean the area. If you need to use a make-up remover, wash off the remainder before your treatment.

If you have any active infections or acne breakouts on the day of your appointment, you may need to reschedule to prevent further irritation and infection.

What Not To Do Before Laser Hair Removal

Here is your quick checklist of what NOT to do before laser hair removal.
  • Wax, tweeze, pluck, or apply chemical hair removers
  • Use make-up, deodorant, lotions, creams, or other products on the day of treatment
  • Forget to shave!
  • Feel silly asking questions or addressing concerns (even on the day of your treatment)
  • Stop taking medications without talking to your doctor and Stadia Med Spa provider
  • Go tanning or spend a long day in the sun without protection
  • Forget to focus on the results!
You may feel nervous in the days leading up to your laser hair removal, but most people find the treatment less painful than waxing. The sensation is like tiny snaps of a rubbing band on the skin’s surface. And the results of laser hair removal will certainly be worth the extra effort!

Book at Stadia Med Spa

Of all of the cosmetic treatments offered at Stadia Med Spa, laser hair removal is one of the most popular. With over 17 years of experience, the practitioners at Stadia know how to set you up for success before, during, and after your laser hair removal treatment.

Start with a free consultation to address any questions or concerns!