Restore confident and feel your best
Erectile Dysfunction
- Restore peformance & stimulate blood flow
- Non-invasive
- Top Licensed Medical Professionals
- Treat Now, Pay Later - Payment Plans
- Free Consultation And Personalized Treatment Plans
About Erectile Dysfunction
For a long time, most people thought erectile dysfunction was purely psychological. However, modern research shows that physical causes – such as age, diabetes mellitus, arteriosclerosis, and vascular anomalies – account for 2 out of 3 cases.
For example, 1 out of 3 men aged 60 to 70 is affected by erectile dysfunction. Experts assume that more men are impacted, but since the subject is still associated with a lot of shame, many men don’t report or acknowledge it.
Stadia Med Spa in San Antonio, TX, offers shockwave treatment for erectile dysfunction. The non-invasive procedure applies shock waves outside the penis shaft to stimulate blood flow. Regain your confidence in the bedroom with ED shockwave treatment.
Keep reading to learn more about shockwave therapy for ED, including procedure details, benefits, and more!
Erectile Dysfunction Before & After

What is Erectile Dysfunction Shockwave Therapy?
The medical professionals at Stadia Med Spa understand that talking about and treating erectile dysfunction is a very personal endeavor. Discretion and comfort are their top priorities when treating ED.
During ED shockwave therapy, your provider will pass a wand-shaped device around the shaft of your penis. The treatment is non-invasive and pain-free with little to no recovery time. The shockwaves stimulate blood flow and form new vascular structures – both are necessary to maintain an erection.
Patients with severe erectile dysfunction taking PDE-5 inhibitors achieve significantly better therapeutic success from shockwave therapy. The treatment repairs and stimulates healing in your penis, which can lead to better and more frequent erections.

The Benefits of Erectile Dysfunction Shockwave Therapy
The shockwaves increase perfusion and stimulate the formation of new vascular structures. Many men with ED suffer from a lack of perfusion – meaning that the blood does not flow easily into the penis. A lack of blood flow may result in an inability to get or maintain erections.
Meanwhile, it creates new vascular structures. The new blood vessels carry blood into the penis and remove waste products from the area. ED shockwave treatments are particularly effective for ED with vascular causes. High cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure are a few of the vascular causes of erectile dysfunction.
Shockwave therapy can address many of the causes of erectile dysfunction. Low-intensity shock waves stimulate blood vessel growth. The new blood vessels may increase blood flow to help with erections.
Low-intensity shock waves are associated with no known side effects or risks. The procedure is fast and easy – you can be in and out of the office in 30 minutes. The main benefit of shockwave therapy for Erectile Dysfunction is increased self-esteem in your sex life!
Call 210-881-6270 today!
Before, During & After
What to Expect
The first step is your free consultation.
Stadia MedSpa offers a free consultation to determine if shockwave therapy for erectile dysfunction is the ideal treatment for you. During your consultation, a treatment provider will ask questions about your medical history and the potential causes of your ED. Bring a list of current medications, prescriptions, and herbal supplements, as well as any other treatment information you might have for your erectile dysfunction.
Be prepared to ask questions about the procedure and results! At this time, Stadia Med Spa may suggest additional treatments or another treatment altogether to ensure that you achieve optimal results!
Before Treatment
Shockwave therapy is not approved by the FDA, although many of the benefits of the treatment, such as improved blood flow are DA-approved indications. Before your treatment, you will be asked to sign a waiver that states you understand that the treatment is experimental and are fully aware of what the treatment entails.
You will be asked to remove all metallic accessories, such as jewelry, clothes with metallic buttons/threads, and electronic devices before treatment. Inform your Stadia Med Spa provider if you are currently taking anti-inflammatory medications as they may interfere with your treatment and results.
During Treatment
Generally, the treatment will take between 15 and 20 minutes. During the procedure, a medical professional will move a wand-like device around different areas of your penis. They will choose the number of shockwaves emitted by the wand per minute for a fixed amount of time.
Shockwave therapy for Erectile Dysfunction is virtually painless. Many patients report a light buzzing sensation in the penis but typically no pain or discomfort. This procedure is performed in an exam room and does not require anesthesia.
After Treatment
Most patients can return to normal activity the following day after shockwave therapy. If you experience pain, your doctor may recommend over-the-counter (OTC) medications, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
In general, you will need between 5 to 8 treatments to ensure a successful application. A positive change and a longer or stronger erection are often reported after the first application. Once the initial course of treatment is complete, many patients experience results that last a year or longer.
Erectile Dysfunction
Frequently Asked Questions
Stadia Med Spa uses experimental shockwave therapy to treat Erectile Dysfunction. While the treatment is not FDA-approved, many of the benefits, including increased blood flow and the creation of new blood vessels, are FDA-approved indications. The non-invasive therapy involves a wand-shaped device that is passed around the penis, delivering painless shock waves to the tissues and blood vessels.
Candidates for Erectile Dysfunction treatments at Stadia Med Spa may be experiencing mild to moderate Erectile Dysfunction. Men who are not responding well to medications or do not want to take medications may benefit from this experimental Erectile Dysfunction treatment.
Many clients who undergo shockwave ED therapy see results after the first treatment. The first couple of weeks often shows dramatic results. However, most men see consistent results within the first one to three months.
Shockwave therapy is approved by the FDA for other medical concerns, but not for Erectile Dysfunction. More clinical trials are needed to verify its safety and effectiveness. However, in most cases, shockwave therapy is safe, pain-free, and effective. It stimulates the soft tissues to start regeneration and internal healing.
Some men experience mild pain during or after their shockwave therapy. Stadia Med Spa is committed to your comfort. You should communicate any discomfort before, during, and after your treatment.
The results of shockwave therapy for ED vary from person to person. Some men experience immediate results that fade over time. After the initial 5 to 8 treatments, you can expect results to last anywhere from several months to several years.
In some cases, men had results that lasted two years or longer. Stadia Med Spa also offers maintenance sessions as needed.
Men will often need 5 to 8 sessions to get their desired results.
Shockwave therapy for Erectile Dysfunction will not be covered by your medical insurance because it isn’t approved by the FDA. Contact Stadia Med Spa to schedule your free consultation for a more accurate estimate of what your shockwave therapy for ED will cost.
Typically, these terms are interchangeable. However, both terms have vastly different connotations. Erectile dysfunction is used to describe a range of conditions — from an occasional inability to maintain or sustain an erection to an inability to maintain or get an erection.
In contrast, the term “impotence” sounds definitive, almost a complete inability to have an erection. This term has a negative connotation. Most people use the term impotence to imply that a man with erectile dysfunction has lost his power.
Some of the causes of erectile dysfunction include:
Age: Even in the absence of other health conditions, age becomes an independent risk factor for erectile dysfunction. The age that doctors usually consider a risk factor for erectile dysfunction is age 50. However, it is not uncommon for men in their 30s and 40s to have erectile dysfunction.
Medications: Certain medications can cause erectile dysfunction. For example, those patients who have been prescribed beta blockers or other medications to lower their blood pressure will notice that these medications may also lower the blood pressure to their penis, which can interfere with their ability to get and maintain an erection.
Obesity: Obesity is a risk factor for almost every medical problem that we encounter today, and erectile dysfunction is no exception.
Other Medical Conditions: Often, general medical conditions that bring patients to the doctor, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes, can also bring patients in to see a urologist about erectile dysfunction.
Contact Stadia Medical Spa
Erectile Dysfunction can be embarrassing and ruin your sexual self-esteem, but that doesn’t mean you can’t treat it. Stadia Med Spa in San Antonio, TX, offers an experimental shockwave therapy for ED to improve blood flow and stimulate new blood vessel growth in your penis.
Regain your confidence with this non-invasive, 30-minute therapy at Stadia Med Spa. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation, or call 210-881-6270.
Call 210-881-6270 today!