Bring your homones back in balance
Hormone Replacement Therapy
- Safe, Effective & Proven Results
- Higher Sex Drive, More Energy, Better Sleep & Balanced Mood
- Top Licensed Medical Professionals
- Treat Now, Pay Later - Payment Plans
- Free Consultation And Personalized Treatment Plans
About Hormone Replacement Therapy
Hormones are the chemical messengers in your body responsible for a variety of tasks. They control your metabolism, reproduction, growth, digestion, sleep, stress levels, and so much more.
Your hormones all work together in a delicate balance, so if one system goes out of balance, you will experience a myriad of symptoms.
Hormone replacement therapy at Stadia Med Spa in San Antonio, TX, is a treatment to balance sex hormones. The procedure includes the insertion of a small hormone pellet which supplies a steady supply of estrogen, progesterone, or testosterone to bring your hormones back into balance.
For men, the primary sex hormone is testosterone, and for women, estrogen and progesterone work together to produce their menstrual cycle. Low testosterone in men can result in symptoms like erectile dysfunction, low libido, and muscle weakness. Meanwhile, women may experience sore breasts, irregular bleeding, cramps, and infertility.
If you want to discover a beautiful, confident you, maybe hormone replacement therapy can help! For anyone experiencing symptoms of hormone imbalance, keep reading to learn more about hormone replacement therapy at Stadia Med Spa, including benefits, procedure details, and more!
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We’re here to help. Schedule your complimentary consultation or same-day appointment today. Call 210-881-6270
What is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is a general term to describe any treatment which uses hormones from natural sources to replace or balance hormones in the human body. Types of BHRT include topical creams, hormone pellets, pills, and vaginal suppositories.
At Stadia Med Spa, hormone pellets are used to balance hormone levels for both men and women. A small pellet is inserted in the hip or buttocks area. Over time, the pellet releases a customized dose of hormones to bring your systems back into balance.
Blood work is an essential part of any HRT procedure. Each hormone pellet dose is carefully designed to meet your body’s unique needs.
The dose typically lasts between three and six months, at which point you will need to have another pellet inserted. Hormone pellets are a consistent source of hormones which can be beneficial for those who struggle to remember to apply topical creams or take a daily pill.

Symptoms of Hormone Imbalances
Not sure if your symptoms are related to a hormone imbalance? You may need to work with your primary care provider to determine if your symptoms are related to hormones.
Blood tests reveal the levels of each hormone in your body, but because the endocrine system is connected to so many different bodily processes, it can be difficult to know where your symptoms start.
Typical signs of a hormone imbalance for men include acne, excessive body hair, changes to libido, mood swings, infertility, sleep problems, weight gain, depression, muscle weakness, and bone loss.
For women, estrogen imbalances might cause breast tenderness, mood swings, vaginal dryness, irregular periods, hot flashes, changes to libido, weight gain, insomnia, PMS, anxiety, and fatigue.
Both women and men have testosterone and estrogen at work in their bodies. Women can have low testosterone, and men can have estrogen imbalances. However, the most common imbalances are low/high testosterone in men and low/high estrogen or progesterone in women.

Benefits of HRT
Hormone imbalances can severely disrupt your quality of life. They might make it difficult for you to motivate yourself at work, disrupt your sleep schedule, and make it hard for you to lose weight.
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy balances your hormones with naturally-occurring hormones from plants. As soon as a few weeks after your treatment, you should see a significant reduction in your symptoms!
The hormone replacement therapy procedure is non-surgical, and most of the side effects and risks are related to the insertion. You don’t have to worry about daily pills or topical remedies. A 15-minute procedure three to four times a year can help to balance your hormones and give you back your quality of life.
The benefits of hormone replacement therapy will resonate throughout all aspects of your life.
For men, the benefits of HRT include:
- Higher sex drive
- Better muscle mass and strength
- More energy
- Better sleep quality
- Improved concentration
- Better mental health
- Weight loss
- And more!
For women, HRT benefits include:
- Decrease in PMS symptoms
- More energy
- Balanced mood
- Higher sex drive
- Better sleep quality
- Improved concentration and memory
- Better mental health
- Regular periods
- And more!
Hormone pellets are customized to your body. Whether you have high/low estrogen or high/low testosterone, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy – hormone replacement therapy balances hormones and gets rid of hormone-related symptoms quickly and easily.
Call 210-881-6270 today!
Before, During & After
What to Expect
The first step is your free consultation.
Start your journey to balanced hormones with a free consultation. Stadia Med Spa’s HRT provider, Brandi Charles R.N., will meet with you to answer any questions or concerns you might have prior to booking your treatment.
Before Treatment
Every hormone replacement therapy procedure starts with comprehensive blood tests. Your provider examines the results of your test to customize the dose in your hormone pellets. Since your hormone levels may change between treatments, your provider will repeat blood tests before every HRT procedure.
Bring a list of your current prescriptions and supplements, as well as a summary of your medical history to your consultation. Your provider will review them with you and go over the best treatment option for your symptoms and needs.
Men and women with heart conditions including low blood pressure, heart disease, or a high risk of stroke may not be eligible for BHRT. Women with a history of breast cancer or uterine cancer are also not good candidates for hormone replacement therapy.
During Treatment
The HRT procedure lasts about 15 minutes and requires a topical anesthetic. After they apply the anesthetic, your provider will create a small incision in the hip or buttocks area. They will insert one or more hormone pellets beneath the skin and close the incision with a bandage stitch. Overall, the treatment is quick, easy, and painless.
After Treatment
Bruising, swelling, redness, and minor pain are common symptoms following your hormone replacement therapy. Your incision will take between three and five days to heal. Avoid swimming or bathing, hot tubs, saunas, and steam rooms to prevent delayed healing and increased bruising/swelling.
Plan to take 72 hours off from vigorous exercise while the incision heals. Follow all post-procedure instructions carefully to ensure the incision stays clean and dry. Scarring and discoloration in the treatment area are uncommon but may occur if you do not care for the area carefully after your treatment.
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Frequently Asked Questions
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is a treatment for men and women who want to balance their hormones. Hormone imbalances might occur for a variety of reasons. Age, medication, medical conditions, steroids, birth control, pregnancy, and menopause, are only a few of the causes of hormone imbalances.
BHRT uses bioidentical hormones from plants to bring hormones back to their normal levels. At Stadia Med Spa, customized hormone pellets are placed beneath the surface of the skin. The pellets slowly dissolve over time and release a steady stream of hormones into the body.
For many people, HRT resolves symptoms of hormone imbalances within a few weeks of pellet placement. The treatment lasts between three and six months, after which a new pellet is placed in the same location.
Men and women of any age who are experiencing the symptoms of a hormone imbalance are candidates for HRT at Stadia Med Spa. However, if you have a high risk of stroke, high blood pressure, heart disease, and clotting issues, you are not eligible for BHRT. Women with a previous history of breast or uterine cancer may also not be eligible.
Some people see a reduction in hormone-related symptoms a few days after hormone pellet placement. However, it typically takes between two and four weeks for full symptom relief.
It takes time for your body to adjust to the change in hormone levels. You will see better results as your body adjusts to the new levels.
Most of the side effects and risks of hormone pellets are related to the procedure and recovery. Bleeding, pain, scarring, and discoloration are possible side effects of HRT. However, many of the procedure risks are mitigated when you work with an experienced professional like those at Stadia Med Spa!
That being said, every person responds differently to HRT. Your body will take time to adjust to the new influx of hormones. For men, common side effects include acne, weight gain, fatigue, hair loss/growth, and headaches. For women, irregular periods, heavy bleeding, breast tenderness, headache, and fatigue are common while your body adjusts.
Discuss hormone replacement therapy with your primary care provider and schedule a free consultation at Stadia Med Spa to discuss potential side effects and risks.
A single hormone pellet will last between three and six months. The pellets dissolve slowly over time. If you start experiencing symptoms again, you may need it replaced sooner than later.
When it’s time for a new hormone pellet, your provider will repeat your bloodwork to ensure it matches your current hormone needs. A new pellet will be inserted in the same location. Most people need between three and four appointments a year.
Most people need three or four treatments a year to keep hormones balanced. Contact Stadia Med Spa today to schedule a free consultation for a more accurate estimate!
Try Hormone Replacement Therapy at Stadia
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy at Stadia Med Spa in San Antonio, TX, is a treatment for men and women who want to balance their hormones. One 15-minute treatment can provide months of relief from current hormone symptoms. Discover a beautiful, confident you – starting with your hormones.
Our experienced HRT provider, Brandi Charles R.N., has several years of experience with hormone replacement therapy. She is happy to answer any questions or concerns you might have before the procedure during your free consultation. Contact Stadia to schedule today!
Call 210-881-6270 today!