Botox is a relatively common cosmetic treatment for wrinkles and fine lines. The injections are also used for certain medical problems, including facial ticks, TMJ, and migraines.
Each vile of Botox contains botulinum toxins – a neurotoxin that blocks nerve signals that make your muscles contract. If you’ve tried Botox in the past or are planning to add it to your regular treatments, you may be wondering “how often should I get Botox?”
Of course, the answer will vary from person to person based on what they are treating. This article examines the different ways to use Botox at Stadia Med Spa and provides a definitive guide for how often you should get Botox.
If you think about it, the wrinkles in your forehead and the smile lines around your mouth result from regular muscle movement. Every time you smile, you build up muscle memory in your cheek muscles. After a while, those muscles create dynamic wrinkles.
Botox prevents your muscle from contracting to erase dynamic wrinkles. When the muscles relax, you are left with a smooth surface and a younger-looking face.
For three or four months, the muscles do not contract, and your muscles forget to form those habitual smile lines.
Many people assume that Botox is only for people with moderate to severe wrinkles. However, Botox is popular with men and women in their late 20s and early 30s with early signs of aging.
If you have medical issues like migraines, facial twitches, and TMJ, you can try Botox as early as 18 to relax the overactive muscles.
Younger people need less Botox and fewer injections to see results. But if you don’t need Botox for a medical reason, you should wait until your skin loses elasticity to start treatment.
If you are curious about Botox, schedule a free consultation to discuss the best skin care procedure for your unique skin and goals.
Botox is a temporary cosmetic treatment. Some people are unsure if they will like Botox and simply want to see what a single treatment can accomplish.
If you only get Botox once, results will last between 3 and 6 months. The exact duration of your results will depend on how fast your body can metabolize the toxins and remove them from the body.
Many people find that the results of the first treatment fade the fastest. The more Botox treatments you have, the longer your results may last. People who receive regular Botox treatments find that they need fewer maintenance visits as a result.
You will see results within three or four days of their first Botox treatment. But, you should wait at least two weeks before you schedule a second Botox treatment.
If you loved the results of your first Botox treatment, you may be wondering how often you should schedule Botox maintenance.
Every three to four months is a general rule of thumb for Botox maintenance. However, as Botox trains your muscles to relax, you may realize that you need to return less and less often to maintain your results.
For cosmetic Botox treatments that address wrinkles and lines on the forehead, you can plan for a visit every four months. After four months, your body produces new neurotransmitters, and Botox is metabolized and removed from the body.
Botox in your forehead can address both horizontal and vertical lines. Because cosmetic Botox is not a medically necessary procedure, the treatment will most likely not be covered by your health insurance.
You may need to consider the cost when you are scheduling regular cosmetic Botox treatments.
Masseter Botox is when the neurotoxin is injected into the muscles of the cheek. This type of Botox can change your face shape and address face and jaw pain from TMJ disorder.
TMJ (temporomandibular jaw) disorder affects the muscles, ligaments, and joints of the jaw. Often, TMJ causes pain and achy facial muscles and can even lead to regular headaches or migraines.
The masseter is the muscle that helps you chew your food. When you inject Botox into the masseter muscle, it forces it to relax and prevents it from moving.
Masseter Botox should be repeated frequently to prevent the muscle from returning to its previously overactive state.
For three to four months, most patients have relief from:
Masseter Botox can also improve the shape of your cheeks and jawline.
Masseter Botox for issues like TMJ disorder and migraines may be covered by your health insurance. In this case, you should plan to make your visits as regular as possible to prevent the muscles from contracting and restarting your issue.
You may wonder if it’s dangerous to do Botox long-term since it affects your muscles’ ability to contract.
But if you work with a qualified medical professional, long-term Botox use is unlikely to cause negative results. Most risks and complications can be avoided with an accurate medical history and an experienced provider.
Some people think that long-term Botox use will cause the muscle to atrophy and leave your face stiff or sagging. But your face contains plenty of muscles that work together to make the many facial expressions you use daily. If you follow your provider’s instructions on how often you should get Botox, you should see only positive results from your treatment!
Stadia Med Spa in San Antonio, TX, offers Botox injections for cosmetic and medical purposes. If you’re curious about how often to get Botox, contact our office for a free consultation. After a thorough examination of the treatment area and your medical history, your experience medical provider will set up a course of treatment to match your unique goals!
Call 210-881-6270 today!