Stretch Mark Reduction
- A Pain-free solution to skin marks
- Smoother, more youthful looking skin with no downtime
- Top Licensed Medical Professionals
- Treat Now, Pay Later - Payment Plans
- Free Consultation And Personalized Treatment Plans
About Microneedle Skin Tightening
Stretch marks are a natural skin formation, like a scar or a freckle. When your skin shape changes rapidly, the collagen and elastin in your skin rupture and leave behind indented streaks.
Laser stretch mark removal reduces the appearance of stretch marks and scars to help you discover a beautiful, confident you. While the treatment isn’t permanent, it does provide temporary cosmetic relief from stretch marks, scars, unwanted hair, spider veins, and redness.
Stadia Med Spa in San Antonio, TX, offers laser stretch mark removal with the Clarity II laser. Keep reading to learn more about laser for scars and stretch marks, including the benefits of laser therapy, procedure details, and FAQs.
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What is Laser Stretch Mark Reduction?
Laser stretch mark removal with Clarity II is a non-invasive cosmetic skin treatment for men and women of any skin tone and type. Since stretch marks are a type of scar, the treatment is also called laser scar removal. Other types of scarring are also effectively reduced with laser therapy.
During the treatment, light energy from the laser turns to heat beneath the skin’s surface. The heat breaks up existing scar tissue, increases circulation to speed healing, and stimulates collagen and elastin production.
Clarity II is a sophisticated laser therapy device with dual wavelengths of light. The dual wavelengths allow your Stadia Med Spa provider to adjust the Clarity II to your exact skin tone and type.
The effectiveness of the treatment will depend on how long you’ve had the stretch marks and their prominence, and results don’t appear overnight. Collagen matures in the weeks following your procedure and will take time to fill in the gaps in the skin.
You will need a series of three to five treatments with Clarity II to see a difference in the appearance of your stretch marks.

Benefits of Laser Stretch Mark Reduction
Laser stretch mark removal is a beneficial skin resurfacing technique for all skin tones and types.
Laser therapy is one of the most effective treatments for stretch marks currently available. Topical solutions don’t always reduce the appearance of stretch marks because they don’t target the cause of stretch marks – i.e. the rupturing of collagen and elastin.
Laser therapy prompts the creation of more collagen and elastin to fill in the spaces where it ruptured. More collagen means smoother, younger-looking skin with fewer blemishes and a more even skin tone!
Not only is laser therapy effective, but the treatment is also comfortable and safe. The FDA-approved Clarity II releases a burst of cool air after each pulse of the laser, making it possible for patients to receive laser stretch mark removal without topical anesthetics.
Why try laser treatment for stretch marks:
- Little to no recovery time
- A pain-free solution to minor skin flaws
- Smoother, younger-looking skin
- Low maintenance
Stadia Med Spa uses laser therapy for minor to moderate skin flaws like scars, spider veins, and uneven skin tone. Clarity II is also the same laser used in all Stadia Med Spa laser hair removal treatments.
Call 210-881-6270 today!
Before, During & After
What to Expect
The first step is your free consultation.
Stadia Med Spa recommends you start your stretch mark removal with a free consultation. One of the experienced providers will examine the treatment area and let you know if laser therapy is the ideal treatment for your skin concerns.
If you have any questions or concerns, the consultation is the ideal time to address them. Also, bring a list of your current medications, prescriptions, and herbal supplements to help your provider determine if laser stretch mark removal will work for you!
Before Treatment
Try to avoid sun exposure for a minimum of four weeks before treatment. Shave the treatment within 24 hours of your appointment. On the day of your treatment, keep your skin clean and clear of any make-up, lotion, and skin care products.
During Treatment
Laser stretch mark removal takes 30 minutes on average. Most people don’t require a topical anesthetic, but please advise your treatment provider if you feel more comfortable with numbing cream.
Laser for stretch marks involves both heat and cool air. You will feel a pulse of hot air and prickling on your skin in the treatment area, followed by a burst of cold air. Your Stadia Med Spa provider will adjust the cold air temperature according to your preference.
Most people find laser for stretch marks tolerable. Some feel a light tingling or heat from the laser. Feel free to bring headphones or a book to keep yourself occupied during your treatment.
After Treatment
After laser stretch mark removal, your skin may be red and sensitive. Many people compare the aftereffects to a mild sunburn.
Your provider will apply Aloe Vera to soothe the skin. You can also use a sterilized ice pack to relieve any discomfort in the hours after your treatment. Stay out of direct sunlight for a week after treatment to allow your skin time to heal.
Collagen will build up gradually after your treatment is complete. You can expect visible results within 7 to 21 days of your treatment.
Don’t apply makeup, cleansers, lotion, and moisturizer for 24 hours. Clean the area with a gentle cleanser, and don’t pluck, tweeze, wax, or thread the area until the skin has fully healed.
Laser Stretch mark removal
Frequently Asked Questions
Laser stretch mark removal is a treatment to reduce the appearance of stretch marks, sun damage, and other mild to moderate scarring. It increases collagen and elastin production, leaving skin smoother and younger-looking. While laser stretch mark removal isn’t permanent, the results last weeks or even months.
People with older stretch marks (white) may not see visible results from laser stretch mark removal. The treatment is more effective for newer stretch marks (pink or red).
Laser stretch mark removal is for men and women of any skin type or tone. The Clarity II laser is customized to fit your unique skin care needs and goals. Follow pre- and post-procedure instructions carefully to ensure your best results!
The results from laser stretch mark removal are not instantaneous. Most patients need between two and six treatments depending on the severity of their skin issues. Typically, it will take between three to six months after treatment to see results.
Stretch mark “removal” implies that the treatment is permanent. Since stretch marks are a type of scar, they will never be fully removed from the body. However, treatment with Clarity II can make stretch marks, scars, and other blemishes less visible.
Clarity II is FDA-approved for stretch mark removal, laser hair removal, scar reduction, and spider vein removal. Laser therapy is a thoroughly researched cosmetic treatment, safe for regular use.
However, like most cosmetic treatments, laser for stretch mark removal is not without side effects or risks. Redness, swelling, bruising, and blistering are common side effects of laser stretch mark removal. Most instances are mild and will fade on their own within a few days.
In some cases, laser for stretch marks can cause permanent changes to skin tone and pigment. Scarring and burns are also possible with an inexperienced practitioner. You can reduce your chances of permanent alterations by choosing an accredited medical professional to conduct your laser stretch mark removal.
The longevity of your laser stretch mark removal results will depend on the age and severity of your stretch marks.
Immature stretch marks are easier to treat than mature stretch marks. If you’ve had stretch marks since puberty or for several years, laser stretch mark removal may not offer the same results. Older stretch marks are typically white, and newer ones are pink or red.
Your results will appear between three and six months after your treatment. Many patients see results that last an additional six months to a year.
Laser stretch mark removal cost will depend on a variety of factors, including where you get your treatment and how many treatments you need to see results!
Most patients at Stadia Med Spa need between two and six treatments to meet their goals.
Contact Stadia Medical Spa
Stadia Med Spa in San Antonio, TX, is an accredited medical spa with years of experience in skin rejuvenation. Laser stretch mark removal is one of the many skin resurfacing options available to help you discover a beautiful, confident you!
Contact us today to schedule a consultation, or call 210-881-6270 to book your laser stretch mark removal treatment.
Call 210-881-6270 today!